Care Link Communications

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Simple Business Advice – Customer Service Matters

Don’t forget the simple a,b,c, or “cs” in this case. Customer service is key to providing a good product. This post on The Importance of Customer Service from reinforces the concept that all businesses, including healthcare businesses, need to provide excellent customer service to thrive. Make sure that your customer service is excellent, starting from the…

Overpriced $0.25 Coffee?

In the age of Cappuccinos and Tall, Non-Fat Lattes with Caramel Drizzle at $5.00 a cup, how can $0.25 be too much for a cup of coffee? We replaced my wife’s 8-year-old SUV after it stranded her for the last time. Not that it was unreliable, it just seemed to need “maintenance” at importune times,…

It’s not enough to be “Liked”

What is the best strategy to get noticed online? A whole industry has been built around strategies for coming in first on a Google search. No one knows the exact details of the method Google uses…and Google is not giving up its secret recipe. Many people think they have it figured out, but the only…